On the 11th June, 2016 NHS Innovations revealed the finalists in the North for their Bright Ideas in Health Awards. Labman is delighted to announce that we are amongst this final number, specifically in the Innovative Medical Technology or Device category. Inventors and medical professionals from across the NHS and the technology world have submitted a huge variety of proposals for these prestigious and hugely important awards, and it is an enormous achievement to have made it to this level.
With support from the European Research and Development Fund (ERDF) and the Academic Health Science Network North East and North Cumbria, NHS Innovations North was created in 2001 to commercialise new technologies and services for the healthcare industry. Offering support from idea conception, right through to the delivery stage, this exciting project has successfully brought 90 developments to fruition from over 5000 ideas so far.
Labman’s proposal – a unique device for improving the egg collection procedure for IVF, is the brainchild of Professor Alison Murdoch, Consultant Gynaecologist and Professor of Reproductive Medicine, and Labman Inventor Rob Hodgson. Originally conceived in 2014, the ground-breaking device has been developed by Tom Smith and Robert Talintyre of Labman, in conjunction with Alison, Rob and Rez Prathalingham of The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The winners for the Bright Ideas in Health Awards will be announced tomorrow evening at The Hilton Hotel in Newcastle.
(Image: RTC North)