Hegman gauge analyser

Due to its robust, low-maintenance design, super-sharp imaging, customisability and versatility, TIDAS has become the go-to system for grind gauge/grindometer testing.
A Labman TIDAS metal box with the tidas logo on the front of a dark matt black metal cover in the background is a computer showing a graph

A revolution for particle size analysis

TIDAS automates the analysis of a wide range of products using a Hegman gauge. Fineness of grind is determined objectively, removing operator variation and ensuring reproducibility. Each reading takes less than 20 seconds. If you use a Hegman gauge in your process, you will benefit from TIDAS.

Objective rating in seconds

A traditional Hegman test is entirely subjective and prone to human variance - from the drawdown application itself, to lighting conditions, eyesight health and simple human judgement. TIDAS captures a raw image of the dispersion which is digitally analysed. The exact number of particles per micron slice are counted, which provides a defined and repeatable reading.
  • Have confidence in a single reading
  • Each reading takes less than 20 seconds

Eliminate costly over-production

Many products from the coatings industry begin life as a powder or pigment. These raw ingredients are ground down to standard which means running costly factory processes. Represented by a typical, exponential grind curve, even small reductions in particle size can take a very long time to achieve. Small variations from human error, can translate to huge wasted costs from unnecessary over processing. Determining the optimum grinding time eliminates this risk.
  • Determine optimum processing time for pigments and powders
  • Eliminate over-processing costs without compromising quality
  • Free up factory equipment to continue with other work
a hegman grind gauge with paint being drawn over it in a Labman tidas device with light shining in from the left-hand-side

Analyse all colours and finishes

TIDAS is compatible with paints, resins, inks, adhesives, battery materials, foods, cosmetics and much more. The TIDAS software is designed to eliminate dust, bubbles and foaming from the dispersion. It can also robustly take readings from clear and metallic materials which are notoriously difficult to rate by eye, owing to the dark field illumination technique used to capture the image.
  • Robustly analyse clear and metallic materials, notoriously difficult to rate by eye
  • Compatible with any liquid sample, making it a key QC tool for various industries
Applicable to many applicationsBattery materials, paints, pigments, inks, resins, sealants, graphene, polymers, cosmetics, food, ceramics, solder pastes, additives, minerals, clear and metallic liquids and much more.
Tried and testedTIDAS was developed over 25 years ago and has gone through several iterations, each honing its performance and reliability. It now operates in over 40 countries for a range of companies including Akzo Nobel, Venator and BASF.
Compatible & customisableTIDAS’s dedicated software can be customised to match your requirements allowing you to set ratings and more. TIDAS works with a wide range of gauge sizes to suit your existing workflow.

How does TIDAS work?

Owing to an intelligent but simple design, TIDAS uses a combination of technologies to produce the most precise readings, time and time again.

Capture super-sharp images using a line scan camera

The system integrates a high-definition line scan camera, which contributes to the generation of distortion-free images. After the Hegman gauge is automatically drawn down, the system shines a beam of light onto the dispertion to allow the image to be captured.

EvonikEvonik company logo
“The newest model of TIDAS instruments is being put through rigorous evaluation and constant use. The upgrades to the software and automatic draw-down device have made this newest member of the TIDAS family an indispensable must have. The results obtained from the TIDAS instruments have made it easy to show our customers the reality of lab grind analysis without putting on a lab coat, for this we are grateful. Thanks to the Labman team for the great support and superb customer service. The transition from installation to full practice was a snap.”
— Jose AbrantesTechnical Market Manager

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