Programmable robots, a virtual reality headset, a rally car, thermal-imaging cameras, robotic arms, inspirational talks and a host of industry professionals to share the wealth of their knowledge - this was the second Nunthorpe Academy Engineering Careers Evening. Organised by Labman in partnership with the Academy, the event was a huge success and brought together a plethora of businesses, universities, training providers and institutions, to inspire and encourage young people from the area to think seriously, but also differently, about a career in engineering.
After managing to prise our own volunteers from the VR headset, the attendees were given the chance to explore various 3D worlds and CAD models at the Labman stand, as well as being given the opportunity to control a robotic arm. Go Ahead Training offered students the chance to programme paths for miniature rover robots, which went shooting off across the floor in all directions. Companies and educational providers, such as Teesside University, Middlesbrough College and the IChemE gave amazing, in-depth advice about careers and prospects in the various sectors of Engineering. The Chat Heroes stand even included a live tarantula demonstration!
Inspiring and involving the next generation of engineers is key to Labman’s success, and is at the heart of what we do as a company. This doesn’t just mean running our award-winning apprenticeship programme, or offering successful placements, but also offering encouragement and resources at this grassroots, school level. This event was about more than just Labman, or indeed any of the companies as individuals, though. Instead, breaking down preconceptions about engineering, manufacturing, working environments, and, importantly, apprenticeships, is key to ensuring that the next generation takes up the baton of engineering in a new and innovative way.
The evening was well attended, and students (and parents!) got thoroughly involved in all of the fantastic displays. Short talks and presentations were given by many of the attending companies and educational institutions, including Chat Heroes and Arcadis. Topics ranged from “Women in Engineering” to “Could Spiders Rule the World?” - talks that were both eye-opening, as well as fun and involving.
Our thanks go to all those that got involved in the event: Analox, KHome, Tanton Industries, Quality Hospital Solutions, Chat Heroes, Arcadis, Go Ahead Training, Inlec, TUV-SUD, IChemE, ICE, Teesside University, NETA, Middlesbrough College, and of course Nunthorpe Academy. We can’t wait for next year’s event!