
North East STEM Awards 2021

This summer we gained recognition at the North East STEM Awards 2021.
Events 6 min read

Katie SimpsonPublished 21st Oct 2021

STEM Ambassadors make up around one third of Labman’s total workforce, with a total of 27 individuals. This summer we gained recognition for this at the North East STEM Awards 2021. During the prestigious virtual ceremony hosted by author and TV personality Dallas Campbell, we were awarded Highest number of active STEM Ambassadors from a North East SME.

Craig Thornton, Labman employee and STEM Ambassador, attended the online event on behalf of the company to receive the award.

As part of Labman’s continued support of the STEM programme, our ambassadors jump at the opportunity to get involved with STEM events and activities. Pre-global pandemic, Labman would normally host workplace visits for schools, colleges and universities as well as offering work experience placements. This gives budding engineers a chance to visit our award winning HQ and see where we build world leading custom robotic systems. Not to mention the climbing wall, squash court, gym and other fun stuff we get to enjoy here.

Labman STEM ambassadors did manage however to deliver a number of virtual tours during the pandemic, and as restrictions began to lift, we were lucky enough to be able to host our very own debut robot fighting championship - FightFest! All in the name of getting young people excited about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths!