

A high throughput metabolite extraction system designed and developed by Labman is due for delivery this week.
Project spotlightInnovation showcase 4 min read

Katie SimpsonPublished 12th Sept 2013

A high throughput metabolite extraction system designed and developed by Labman is due for delivery this week.  The system has fully automated the process of extracting polar and non-polar metabolites from lyophilised plant material.  Tissue samples and materials collected directly from the plant is loaded into the system which processed them into output vials ready to be loaded onto GC or LC/MS instrumentation for further analysis.

The system’s new home will be a large research institute in the USA where it will play a vital role in their research programme.

Extra measures have been taken regarding the packaging of the system to the USA.  The system was packed into a foil bag which had all the air removed from inside using a vacuum before it was heat sealed.  This was done to stop any moisture from getting inside the packaging and also minimises the risk of condensation during transport.

Once delivered, Labman engineers Nick Eastham and Graham Ellison will fly out to install and commission the system on site.